Sunday, September 9, 2012

Prospect Farm

This is part of an historical series to take geocachers to some noteworthy buildings in the New Town area.
This is micro, so you will need to bring a pen to write in the log.

The property was part of a 100 acres grant of land on the southern side of the New Town Rivulet given to Thomas Hayes by Lieutenant-Governor David Collins. The property was known as Prospect Farm and by May 1817 it was in the possession of Alfred Luttrell, the district constable for New Town.  By 1873 the property was owned by   Bartholomew Broughton who built a fine house. 


Then Charles Swanston purchased the property in 1832. Not satisfied with Broughton's house, Swanston extended the building to include a grand villa residence in the Colonial Regency style

The Tasmanian Government purchased the property in 1941 and built a maternity hospital and nurses home on the site. Broughton’s house was demolished during the construction and unfortunately the villa has had an inappropriate wing added.

The information has been taken with permission from the publication Story of New Town Bay (page 16) by Donald Howatson.  It is available for purchase from the New Town Newsagency on New Town Road.

IMG_7362 Prospect Farm

For the full story go to the web site

Note that access is gained from Risdon Road and Emmett Place. Although it is close to Tower Road gates bar entry so do not attempt to reach the cache from that direction.

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